Full set of survey results
The table below links to analysis of each of the Morris Census survey questions. The default set of figures shown is the average for UK sides. The international and combined averages are also presented, as well as analysis of each question broken down by organisation/country and by main performance style. You can also click the 'get the data' link to download the data tables.
Survey question |
Link to 2017 data |
Link to 2014 data (where applicable) |
The survey instrument used: |
response rates |
About your side |
What kind of place is the side
based in? |
Which organisation(s) is the side
currently a member of? |
Why is
your side a member of an organisation? |
In what decade was the side
formed? |
What is the respondent's role in
the side? |
Which is the best description of the
side’s dancers? |
Which is the best description of
the side's musicians? |
three words would you use to describe your side? |
About your side’s performances |
What styles of dance/ performance
does the side regularly perform? |
What styles of dance/ performance
does the side occasionally perform? |
To what extent is your
dance/performance repertoire traditional (i.e. as it was originally
collected)? |
What Cotswold traditions regularly
make up the side's dance repertoire? |
What Cotswold traditions
occasionally make up the side's dance repertoire? |
Do any members of the team perform
jigs at your side’s dance outs? (Cotswold only) |
How often does your side
participate in massed dancing with other sides, when you have the
opportunity? (Cotswold only) |
characters does your side perform with? |
musical instruments do the side's musicians play? |
How many
musicians play for performances? |
Face paint/ disguise and kit |
Does the side regularly use face
paint or disguise? |
(Big changes made to this question) |
What face paint or disguise does
the side use? |
Has your side changed its face
paint or disguise in the last five years? |
What face paint or disguise did
the side use previously? |
would you describe your side's kit? |
If your
side is mixed sex, is the kit different for men and women? |
colour(s) is the side's kit? |
Side members |
How many members does the side
have? |
How many members are also members
of at least one other side? |
How many members are male/female? |
How many members are in different
age groups? |
How many members are from a Black,
Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) background? |
How many people are occasional
performers with the side? |
How many people left the side or
stopped performing with the side? |
Does the
team accept children as members? |
Recruitment |
How many new recruits has the side
had join the side in the last two years? |
How many recruits are male/female? |
How many recruits are in different
age groups? |
What recruitment methods have your
side used recently? |
Which recruitment method has your
side found to be the most useful? |
Side events |
How often does your side perform
at these types of event in a typical year? |
proportion of your engagements in a typical year are local to where the side comes
from? |
If your
side was asked to perform at a private event for half an hour, what fee would
you charge? |
Do you
perform regularly on any of these dates? |
Has your
side organised, or would your side consider organising, an event that
requires... |
Side culture and the future |
We regularly make changes to the
side's repertoire |
It's important that the side
regularly changes who's in charge |
High quality dancing is important
to the side |
Preserving the tradition as it was
originally collected is an important goal of the side |
How optimistic are you that the
side will still be performing in 5 years' time? |
Side’s practices |
often does your side practice? |
day(s) does the side practice? |